Monday, August 25, 2014

Easy Fruit and Veggie wash

I love eating my fruits and veggies, but my least favorite part is doing all the grocery shopping and then having to wash all the produce.  For a long time I just rinsed my produce with water, thinking it was "clean enough". Then, for more peace of mind (since we can't always afford organic) I started buying ready made veggie wash from the store.  Once my first bottle ran out, I figured I'd just make my own.  

Here's a simple recipe that helps get rid of some of the wax on the produce as well as dirt and bugs.  The vinegar even helps preserve the food! 

Large bowl or sink of cold water, enough to mostly cover produce
1/4 C Distilled White Vinegar
2 Tbsp salt

Just fill the sink or a large bowl with water, add the vinegar and salt and swish around.  Add the fruit and vegetables and soak for 25-30 min. Then rinse with fresh water. 

I usually do mine in the sink because I'll throw everything in while I'm unloading the rest of my groceries from the store.  That way you know that when you take a nice apple or celery stalk out of the fridge to eat, it will be clean!  

Buon Appetito!