Thursday, October 20, 2016

4 Little Ghosts!

This year we're doing a playgroup for my 3 year old.  Every Monday they get to have their own boys club (there's 5 in all - one boy didn't make it this day).  Today we learned about the letter "G" and made some cool windsock ghosts.  They may not have wanted to put that much time into making them, but they for sure ran around outside for a half hour "boo-ing" while flying their ghosts all around the court.  Totally worth it.  Dane even slept with his ghost for naptime.

Welcome back Franky!

Happy Halloween!  After our move last year we personalized our new door for Halloween.  Frankenstein had to make his way back this just took me a couple weeks to get around to it.  He at least brings a little personality to the porch.  Someday I'll make time to give that a little more attention.  But for now, Franky will have to take the spotlight.